Bespoke Blend Aromatherapy Massage

Why choose a Bespoke Blend Aromatherapy Massage?

The simple answer is, because it is a truly therapeutic treat and you deserve it!

Aromatherapy massage combines two therapeutic practices, massage and essential oils, which I blend specifically for you, to create impactful results. As a qualified Aromatherapist, each bespoke blend will be made at the time of your treatment to address a specific physical or emotional need, for example, to: decrease stress, relieve headaches or migraines, improve circulation, reduce pain and inflammation or simply relaxation.

Your Verbena Aromatherapy Massage may involve alternating between gentle and more intense pressure, depending on your personal treatment plan. Not only will it leave you feeling great, but the oils will also provide you with extra emotional and physical healing too. All you have to do is drift off to your happy place and enjoy your truly therapeutic treat!

Full Body

£80 (90 minutes)

Back, Neck and Shoulders

£55 (45 minutes)