Hot/Cold Stone Therapy

Why choose a hot (and cold) stone therapy massage?

Because hot basalt stones can help provide relief from muscular pain and tension as well as being deeply relaxing. Hot stone massage is not a firm massage as it’s the heat that allows for a deeper massage with less exertion from the therapist. It is generally accepted that the heat permeates through the body causing the blood vessels to dilate, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the body and that helps to transport carbon dioxide, toxins and waste away from the body. You’ll usually feel a deep state of relaxation, as the warmth from the stones soothes the nerve endings too. Furthermore, one stroke with a hot basalt stone is thought to be the equivalent of five to ten manual strokes so results are achieved more quickly, so care is taken not to over treat an area.

Cold stones (only used if you like!) can be used in conjunction with the hot stones to create a dramatic movement of fluids within your body, generating a cleansing effect due to the alternate constriction and dilation of your blood vessels. Cold stones also help as a powerful decongestant, pushing waste and fluids out of inflamed and puffy tissue like the eye orbits, thus reducing dark circles. Furthermore, the cold stones can also have a firming a tightening impact on the skin and a toning effect can occur.

As well as massaging you with the hot (and cold if desired) stones, the treatment also includes the placement of hot stones. This placement will depend on the muscles and tissues that are being worked on but often I will place them on your spine, abdomen, chest, face, bottom of your feet, between your toes, and forehead.

Ultimately, what you will receive is a unique and individual treatment. The combination of warmth and cool triggers a deeply relaxed, blissed-out and meditative state, so all you have to do is lay back, relax and absorb the warmth until you have to float slowly back to the real world!

Generally, the preferred massage medium is grapeseed oil or sweet almond oil, as this will help the stones retain their heat and lubricate the area being treated. Alternatively, I can create a bespoke essential oil blend just for you (add £10) The heat will aid the absorption of all the therapeutic properties of your bespoke blend, giving an added dimension to your treatment.

However, it’s worth noting that due to the extreme temperature of the stones, stone therapy massages are not suitable for all clients, due to the constriction and dilation of the blood vessels for example, if you are pregnant, suffer from high blood pressure, recent chemotherapy, are on medication that thins the blood...etc... while these are just guidelines, it’s really important to discuss your specific circumstances with me to make sure you are safe to undergo a stone therapy massage.

Full Body

£65 (75 minutes) *extra £10 for bespoke oil blend

Back, Neck and Shoulders

£45 (45 minutes) *extra £10 for bespoke oil blend