Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Why choose Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

First, I need to explain that it’s NOT a massage per say, even though it is often referred to as such; well, it’s not a massage in the way you might traditionally think of a massage anyway! It is a specialised treatment of small, slow, gentle, rhythmic massage movements to stimulate the movement of lymph through your lymph vessels.

Your lymphatic system is basically a network of vessels and glands throughout your body that helps fight infection and remove excess fluid from your body’s tissue. Using specialised techniques the treatment has powerful cleansing, relaxing, pain relieving and immunological effects, that is, it enhances your immune system.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is effective in the treatment of a wide variety of problems including:

• puffiness or swelling in areas such as the ankles or legs,

• cellulite,

• sinus congestion,

• digestive problems,

• post cosmetic surgery,

• chronic fatigue syndrome/ME,

• headaches,

• hay fever,

• facial problems such as puffy eyes and acne

• the control of lymphoedema

Furthermore, the typical diet of our western culture puts stress on our lymphatic system, with excess waste and toxins. This, often coupled with not enough fluid intake means most of us have a sluggish lymphatic system. For this reason, most people can benefit from manual lymphatic drainage as part of a general detoxification programme.

Full Body Treatment

£70 (90 minutes)