
Why choose Reflexology?

Because it’s deeply relaxing, improves general wellbeing, reduces stress, improves circulation, gently detoxifies the body, strengthens the immune system, calms the mind and the balancing effect of Reflexology means that you can feel re-energised too. I truly love this holistic treatment.

The theory of reflexology is that all the systems and organs of the whole body are reflected in the feet (and also in the hands, ears and face) Here at Verbena, I currently provide foot reflexology and can guide you towards self-treatment on your hands in between your treatments.

Using specialist techniques, I apply pressure and manipulations to the reflex points mapped on your feet. Stimulating these reflexes can help to correct any imbalances in the body on both a physical and emotional level and can be effective in promoting overall well-being and deep relaxation. Although I will tell you about any congestion or tension I observe on your feet, I do not diagnose. One of the theories of reflexology is that the body will nurture and repair itself once released from stress. Some clients have told me they feel a sense of "lightness" afterwards, or felt tingling in their body or "energy moving" when pressure was put on their corresponding reflexes. It really is a wonderful treatment.

I use 100% natural Songbird Reflexology Waxes, made with pure essential oils, or if you prefer, I do have an unscented version or a vegan version. I will select a reflexology wax that is right for you based on your presenting physical and emotional condition at the time of your treatment. All you have to do is lay back, relax under a cosy blanket, close your eyes and put your feet up!

Full Treatment

£50 (60 minutes)

Pedicure followed by Reflexology

£80 (2 hours)